this is a bit late in the game, but it's about
diablo cody (real name: brook busey). I haven't seen juno (it looks kinda boring) but everybody that I meet seems to be 1) in love with it or 2) hating it more than anything (well actually everybody is now on 3) don't really care anymore), and even though I don't necessarily hate diablo cody and I am just not that interested in her one way or another, I guess I'd go w/ the side of "she sucks"

anyways, in my internet meanderings, I came across this description of her which I think is absolutely perrfecttt. the person described her as:
"post-burlesque, 'punk' stripper, I love Bettie Page, roller derby is awesome, please don't mention how old I am thing"real age: 30also, I'd like her to stop trying so hard. okay, I'm off my soapbox now