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Monday, September 28, 2009

tim burton creates a fantasy fashion spread

for harper's bazaar and I am completely in love with it. especially the first shot.

to see more, go here

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

yay or nay?

these are amazing, but I can't tell if they are actually rock-able or not. what do you think?

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

this makes me like cops a little more

especially at the :15 second mark

some cops were in the middle of a 9-hr, $4,000 drug raid when the drug dealer's security camera caught them doing a little something that wasn't really cop-like.

Monday, September 14, 2009

as if.

In her fashion Q&A column for the guardian, writer Hadley Freeman chose to respond to a question regarding fashion in the 90s;
Why do clothes from the previous decade look about a million times weirder and more old fashioned than clothes from, say, the 70s, or even the 40s?

She basically answered that 'people in the 90s dressed like crap' because people had 'simply no taste at all.' and then adds rather nonchallantly, that this holds true even for music; 'any decade that hosted 2Unlimited, The Crash Test Dummies and 4 Non-Blondes has lost its right to voice any kind of opinion whatsoever, Nirvana Schmirvana' (read the whole article here)

i don't think this woman thinks through a lot of the things she says and this isn't the first time i've disagreed with her. no, i'm not a HUGE fan of 90s fashion, the jeans were pretty bad for one, and i don't feel very good about scrunchies. But to say people weren't interested in fashion? Um, sorry but wasn't this the decade of the super models Kate Moss, Naomi Campbell, Cindy Crawford, Tyra Banks, Claudia Schiffer, and Linda Evangelista? Oh yeah, those guys. the ninties were a decade of 'anti-fashion', yes, but that doesn't mean that people weren't fashionable. a lot of iconic looks surfaced during this time, but not only that THEY ARE BACK IN FASHION TODAY. Doc Martens are hugely popluar at the moment. as are mid-drift tops, cut off shorts, leather jackets, leggings, denim jackets, platforms, knee-high boots, booties, and flannel (plaid) shirts. what about the fresh prince, 90210, my so called life, clarissa explains it all, GRACE FUCKING JONES??

from topshop.com

and don't even talk to me about music. really. you are a fool.

Saturday, September 12, 2009

roald dahls writing room

roald dahl's writing room

from the guardian and this blog

matte nail polish is the shit

I like matte nail polish (thanks mia), especially the medium tone grey kind. I also like karen o.

I definitely like karen o. wearing matte nail polish. (but this isn't her hand)

go here to buy it ($19) since it is mad hard to find

Monday, September 7, 2009

Friday, September 4, 2009

I love pedobear. and 4chan.

pedobear is amazing. and so is 4chan for doing this.

"4Chan once again used their nearly infinite power to juke the stats and
promote Pedobear to the #1 spot in a contest to find Miley Cyrus' biggest fan."

and if you don't know who pedobear is, here is a slight introduction . . .

I really, really love internet nerdz. also, I never want to be the focus of their attention.

take this, you twi-hards