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Saturday, February 2, 2008

Christina Aguilera is a Momma Diva

Seems like negotiations with OK! for the first official photos of baby Max are now over, since mommy Christina doesn’t want her baby to share a cover or even be on the same magazine with Nicole Richie’s baby Harlow.
Source says “Christina has an inflated sense of her own value and seems to expect an extortionate amount of money for these baby pictures. I’m not sure OK! or much of the industry thinks is a dollar figure that’s worth it. … She hasn’t proven to be a real seller.”
That means her naked and pregnant Marie Claire magazine cover was a total flop...
According to a person familiar with Aguilera’s contract, the terms include a promise that a magazine that buys the Aguilera baby photos may not run photos of Nicole Richie’s new baby. “Christina can’t stand Nicole,” said a source who knows Aguilera. “Nothing would make her more upset than to see those two babies on the same cover, even if it wasn’t at the same time.”
Now that’s a big Diva moment if you think your kid is so important no other kids can be on a cover… we all want to see Max but to tell the truth I'm even more excited about seeing baby Harlow Winter… see what she’s wearing and how good she looks!
Christina and Nicole feud seems to be just beginning… I see those babies in a lot of magazines in the future… in some years I see them dating… oh that would make mommy Xtina a really mad old lady!! :D
