last week miss knomes, michael androgynous, and myself all attended london fashion week! wee! we saw the supersuper show on tuesday night, which was really nice because it was 4 different designers all in one show; scott ramsay kyle, emma bell, dharma taylor, and thomas sels. i'm not sure exactly how these designers were selected, one of the models told me their designer had never worked for supersuper before, but i'm sure namalee, one of the founders and a basso and books stylist, was behind the selection. In the spirit of supersuper, the show also included musical performances by namalee and the namazons, niyi, and the more assured, as well as a video called traffic light man.
i though designer emma bell blew everyone else away. her confectionary dresses were a glitter fest with a bit of a twist, or as someone standing near me put it 'strawberry shortcake on acid.' i think her strongest point that no detail was overlooked - it was a complete 'look' - from the plastic fruit and umbrella headresses to the sparkly staches.
scott ramsay kyle collection reminded me of a beefed up version of dresses i've seen before. his silloutes were a bit more exaggerated, but overall the dresses reminded me of the sweetheart dress from american apparel..with lots of things stuck to them. his embroidery skills, however could not be overlooked, and the last two dresses, much more texturally pleasing than the rest of the lot, had me thinking kyle might be someone to keep an eye on.
i'm sorry to say i though both dharma taylor and thomas sels collections were boring and sometimes poorly made. sels was the most disappointing collection - starting with a green crushed stretch velvet cocoon dress that everyone was expecting to reveal something magical but ended up being only that. this rubbery black caplet managed not to looked decon or futuristic, but simply thrown together at the last minute. taylor was 'safe' with her duvet jackets and screen printed shirts, but why the pig face (same material as sels and looked shit, stop using this if you can't make it work!) and hood with ears? i would have liked to have seen more of that, but the most interesting thing in her show was the penis silouette on a pair of sweats. tasteful yet offensive.
all pictures from