Rhys Ifans’ mother has confirmed reports the actor is engaged to girlfriend Sienna Miller. The couple is now reportedly planning a summer wedding after the ‘Factory Girl’ star accepted Ifans’ third proposal earlier this month.
Rhys, 39, first proposed to Sienna in August last year by sending her a cryptic message in Welsh, which read: “Marry the Misfit.”
The ‘Human Nature’ star then proposed for a second time in December at Sienna’s 26th birthday party by hiding an engagement ring in a pile of gifts. And on Rhys’ third attempt — just a few weeks ago — Miller agreed to take his hand in marriage.
Rhys’ mom Beti-Wyn Evans says she is delighted at the prospect of having the young Hollywood star as her daughter-in-law.
She said: “They adore each other and I am so pleased for them. They make a fantastic couple. We think she is lovely, absolutely fantastic.”
Beti-Wyn also hinted that the newly engaged pair is planning to re-locate to Wales — so Ifans can be closer to his family.
(Photos of the Sienna and Rhys on vacations at Los Cabos, Mexico)
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