this is what says:
Designer Brice Partouche tapped interiors guru Steven Thomas after reading a book on Biba, the '70s retail monolith that Thomas also designed. The circular space recalls a turntable with its dark vinyl'esque floors and gleaming steel beams, a choice that complements Partouche's rock-n-roll-inspired, super-skinny unisex denim styles and fitted double-breasted blazers. Vintage radios are stashed throughout the crannied displays to further address the line's affinity for the chicest beats.
I feel sad b/c I suck at french now and had to google how to say "a new store in paris" b/c I couldn't remember if "store" was masculine or feminine. sucky.
here's the address if you are lucky enough to be en france:
April 77, 49, Rue de Saintonge, 75003 Paris, France; +33 (0)1 4029 0730.