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Thursday, May 22, 2008

Britney Spears Back to Normal & To Recording Studio

Back from her short vacations in Costa Rica with Mel Gibson, Britney Spears is back to the Los Angeles hell, with paparazzi following her every move. Yesterday, Brit looked amazing out shopping at Lisa Kline.It has been confirmed that Britney is going back to the recording studio. “She’s great,” J.R. Rotem said Tuesday. “She’s like a master at what she does. She’s a lot more experienced than most people. She just has the ‘it’ factor that not every artist has. So it’s always nice to work with her.”
Rotem remained mum on the details of the project, but sources close to the Toxic singer say she is in the early stages of a follow-up to her last album, Blackout, which was released last October.
The source tells “Britney is in the experimental stages of a new album. She’s trying to find the sound and direction she wants to go in, but nothing is set in stone just yet. She has been playing the piano a lot and just singing. She says she misses ‘just singing’.”
And producer Sean Garrett says there are “a few things in the works. I’m just happy to see her back and recovering. She’s really shaping up and getting her whole situation back together. I’m really proud and happy to see her.”

Source; Photos: GossipGirls