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Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Britney Spears Is Really Pregnant!!?

We have seen the photos and heard the rumors, but is it possible Britney Spears' pregnant again? Some might say it’s a Photoshop trick to sell the story, others say it’s medication that is keeping Britney swollen and bloated.If there is any truth in the rumors that the singer really is pregnant again, her fly puff near her Los Angeles home could be damaging more than just her own health.
The pop star has been back in training in preparation for a comeback, spending plenty of time on the treadmill - but despite all the effort, she is failing to regain the svelte figure which made her famous.
Just last week, the Toxic singer was snapped cradling her stomach during a shopping trip. Dressed casually in tracksuit bottoms and a T-shirt, the mother-of-two was seen placing a protective hand over her bulging tummy, sparking speculation that she has joined younger sister Jamie-Lynn in the mother-to-be club.
Britney putting her hand on her stomach isn’t prove of anything… some women do that all the time and they are not pregnant. Brit already had two kids, it’s even more possible that is just instinct.
What do you think? Is Britney Spears pregnant? Or is this a big conspiracy? And if she really is pregnant, who is the father??

Source & Photos: UntouchableBritney

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