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Tuesday, June 10, 2008

If Christina Aguilera Can Party Like Crazy, So Can Nicole Richie (Photos)

Christina Aguilera and Nicole Richie are brand new moms, they are still adjusting to the little one, Max and Harlow, but they have two different styles… while Nicole and baby Harlow have been seen out and about enjoying fresh air and sharing sweet moments together; Christina and baby Max rarely come out of the house together unless they are attending a celebrity baby birthday party.I know it’s unfair to compare the two and as I said they have different ways to deal with their babies but momma Christina has been partying hard all over the place and even made a full out of herself a couple of times by getting out of a club looking totally wasted.
Christina defends herself saying…
“Once in a while, if I want to go out and have a mommy-daddy night with my husband, I am more than allowed to do that. I spend all day with my son. Everybody has an opinion and everybody sometimes wants to cause drama and be mean spirited. But it’s something that comes with what you do and I learned that very early on.”

…but the truth is her right to party is starting to hurt her relationship with her husband Jordan. Christina was seen at a party being too provocative:
“Christina was so smashed she started flirting with a couple of hot guys right in front of her husband,” an onlooker says. “She was whispering with one guy and rubbing up against another!”

What bothers me here, besides having a mom who is breastfeeding and drinking, is people comparing Nicole Richie to Christina. Nicole goes out to a N.E.R.D. concert, she has fun, she goes out and people say she is getting back to her party hard old days!
Yep, I think Nicole Richie rocks as a mom!!

Source: 1, 2