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Monday, June 23, 2008

Jennifer Lopez Is An Idiot!!

Apparently Jennifer Lopez thinks she owns every store with her glamor and diva behavior. JLo wanted to shut down a store so she could do some shopping with discount required by herself! Can you believe the b*tch!!??
Jennifer Lopez was a diva with a capital D shopping last week at the Catherine Malandrino boutique on Manhasset’s Miracle Mile, near where she lives with hubby Marc Anthony. “She demanded the store be shut down for her to shop alone, but they said, ‘Absolutely not,’ ” said our spy. “Then one of her eight-person entourage, including two bodyguards with their guns showing, was yelling at the clerk that Jennifer gets a 50 percent discount. Jennifer also tried on about a million outfits, then just threw it all in a pile in the dressing room and didn’t buy one thing.” J.Lo’s rep did not return a call.
It’s a good thing her mom is home to watch her four months old twins or J.Lo wouldn’t have the opportunity to terrorize small stores. She scared away her last nanny and has to rely on her mother to take care of her newborns, even though her husband Marc won’t acknowledge that his mother in law is staying with them and taking care of the twins. (source)

I would have called the police to keep her and her stupid a$$ bodyguards out of the damn store. Who the hell does she think she is? People give her too much credit! There’s nothing we love to hate more than THE diva behavior.
Is JLo broke?? Did she spend the 6 millions she got from her babies’ photos already?? Then why would she demand a 50% discount!!?! And then she leaves with nothing… she didn’t even buy one single miserable piece of the pile she used!!?? Maybe the clothes were all wrong in her enormous booty!!
We are still wishing motherhood can smooth her somehow!!