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Tuesday, July 28, 2009

officially the cutest thing I've ever seen

this adorable 5 yr old boy sings johnny cash's "folsom prison blues"

I kinda want to take him home with me and make him play this every morning to wake me up

Monday, July 27, 2009

debwa <3s taylor swift? y/n?

I just spent 45 minutes of my life watching taylor swift videos. I am not kidding.

videos like this:
I guess we're all one phone call from our knees.

and this:

I love her little mole face (ps did you know that naked mole rats are immune to pain? true story)

I'm also watching 10 things I hate about you on tv. I am officially a 16 yr old girl.

Sunday, July 26, 2009

public enemies sucked.

and this is why:
  • it is REALLY cheesy writing. like, makes-you-wince-cheesy. "he said bye bye blackbird"??? shut the fuck up.
  • the music blows. 10 minutes into the film they play some epic shit and it was way before you care about any of the characters or storyline, so it feels forced.
  • speaking of feeling forced, they practically shove the attributes of the characters down your throat. wasn't this supposed to be an oscar contender? I'm pretty sure I can come to my own conclusions about the characters rather than the director telling me how to feel (side note: that is a total pet peeve when movies do that. a good movie should guide me to feel a certain way about a character, not put it on a platter and then make me eat it).

here are the good parts:
  • johnny depp is always a good actor
  • christian bale is okay, too, although they could've explained a lot lot more about his character and his history
  • the two old texas lawmen that come up to hunt dillinger are fuckin awesome cuz they're all quiet and old school and use their brains not force to figure out dillinger's next move

yes please

I am way into this clutch. I am not tough enough to really carry brass knuckles, so this would fufill my yearning to be a badass and it's functional, too!

Alexander McQueen Knuckle Duster Patent Leather Clutch

and what a steal at $1595. definitely feasible at my $12/hr salary.

Thursday, July 23, 2009

the best thing I've ever read

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Thursday, July 16, 2009

twilight tattoos.


from i watch stuff

let's eat cake.

this week has been a good one for cooking. the borders near my flat on oxford street is closing down (oh dear, good bye, economy) and everything is 50% off. i bought this amazing chocolate cook book by Green & Blacks that is full of wonderful recipes that i will share once i have successfully conquered them.

also, i bought some red currants, which i had never had before, and i didn't know that you aren't really supposed to just eat them because they a quite sour, so i found this recipe for a tart from a blog called delicious days. i only made half the recipe and put in one less tablespoon of sugar and added some strawberries instead for sweetness. the result reminds me of my granny's strawberry rhubarb pie. lovely for summer tea.

i also found this other food blog which i am into; smitten kitchen.