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Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Ashlee Simpson Confesses She Is Pregnant

First Pete Wentz was quick to deny the pregnancy rumors mentioning senseless gay relationships and witch hunts. Now Ashlee makes it clear for us on MTV, she is pregnant but she doesn’t wanna talk about it.

“There is a witch hunt for people to be pregnant whenever they get engaged in Hollywood. This is all news to me. I can’t wait for the story about how I’m really in a gay relationship and this is all just a cover. … I mean really, this is crazy. … I mean we’re engaged, that’s true, and happy about it.”Pete Wentz

"I just think it's an inappropriate question to ask any woman...For me, that's something that I didn't ever want to respond to, because I think it's an inappropriate question...Some things, you want to keep personal, and I think that when people deny [reports that they're pregnant], it's probably because it's something they want to keep personal." - Ashlee Simpson

There are things you sure wanna keep personal if you didn’t make it through the first 3 months yet. If she wasn’t pregnant she could just say so or she’s enjoying the publicity it’s creating for her new album ‘Bittersweet World’.
People reports that not only is Simpson pregnant, but that she's planning to have her wedding in May at a friend's house in La Jolla, Calif., north of San Diego.

(Photos of Ashlee Simpson at Lax Airport, April 14)
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