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Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Britney Spears Fighting to Get her Kids Back

Britney Spears is really a changed woman, at least we hope so… she keeps herself more private, there’s no unnecessary public exposure and Brit has been working out a lot to get back into her best shape.
These days, the 26-year-old mother of two can occasionally be seen enjoying a relatively quiet lunch or dinner, but then it's back to her Studio City home, where she largely stays out of the spotlight.
Sources say the reason for Britney's dramatic turnaround is the fight for her children, which she has resumed with a vengeance.
"Britney wants her kids back," one insider reveals. "And she will do everything in her power to make that goal a reality."
One step closer to having her kids, Britney is trying to make peace with her babies’ daddy Kevin Federline. And if everything goes as planned, Britney will soon be able to share a 50/50 custody agreement.

(Photos of Britney Spears and Sean Preston’s fun and bonding time!)
Source 1, 2