i just watched ed wood for the first time; a time burton film which boasts such celebrity stars as bill murrary, johnny depp, SJP, patricia arquette, and jeffery jones. The film is about ed wood, a real life sci-fi/horror movie director/ screen writer/actor/producet/etc. who later achieved the title of ultimate 'bad' director of all time. The plot involves bela lugosi, vampira, orson wells, and transsexualism, among other things. it's amazing and i love it and it makes me a bit sad that the last burton film was a bit too hollywood for my taste and i miss the quirk and honesty of his older movies.
Sunday, April 6, 2008
ed wood
i just watched ed wood for the first time; a time burton film which boasts such celebrity stars as bill murrary, johnny depp, SJP, patricia arquette, and jeffery jones. The film is about ed wood, a real life sci-fi/horror movie director/ screen writer/actor/producet/etc. who later achieved the title of ultimate 'bad' director of all time. The plot involves bela lugosi, vampira, orson wells, and transsexualism, among other things. it's amazing and i love it and it makes me a bit sad that the last burton film was a bit too hollywood for my taste and i miss the quirk and honesty of his older movies.