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Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Fabulous Halle Berry Talks About Motherhood & Getting Back Into Shape

Halle Berry is taking her time to get back on the scene since she is busy and enjoying her new life with 2-month-old baby Nahla. Of course Halle didn’t lose any time to get back into shape – she has now a rocking post-pregnancy body (photos).Are you enjoying becoming a mother at last?
This is the most beautiful time of my life. Having a baby has made me so happy and fulfilled, I just can’t express in words how I really feel. To be able to nurse and bond with my daughter is such a joy. It’s been a long, long wait!

Did you know you were going to have a girl?
Gabriel and I both agreed that we would rather not know and let it be a wonderful surprise. I just felt a lot more comfortable not knowing.

Has Nahla brought the two of you closer together?
From the beginning, Gabriel was someone I felt I could feel very close and loving to, and I also knew from early on that he was the kind of man who would love a child as much as me. I’m happy just being with a man who loves me unconditionally and is looking forward to the future with me.

Has being a mom changed your approach to your acting career?
I’m definitely going to work less. I used to put so much pressure on myself to succeed that it often made me very unhappy in my personal life, and I felt on the verge of burning out three or four years ago. Also, I feel having a baby will open up a whole new world for me. I think I’ll actually find better roles, because I’ve gotten past being the ingĂ©nue and sex symbol.

But you look as gorgeous as ever! Was it tough getting back into shape?
It’s been kind of tough. But I have a great trainer [LA-based trainer Ramona Braganza] and we’ve been working out an hour a day, five days a week, for the past month. I didn’t want it to take five months to get back my figure. It was something I wanted to take care of now and just not worry about. I feel really good.

Have you been able to fit in any other time for yourself?
Well, Nahla is keeping me pretty busy with feedings, but it’s always a pleasure to oblige. Gabriel and I also plan to sleep again in a few months, as soon as Nahla’s nighttime feeding schedule allows!

In a couple of photos, Halle Berry is showing off her political support by wearing a Barack Obama t-shirt, giving this presidential candidate what’s sure to be a great publicity boost.

Source: Celebitchy; Photos: CelebUtopia