This girl should never ever leave the house
without make-up!
Jessica Biel can be hot… even in these photos for
Harper’s Bazaar (August 2008) she looks kinda weird.
On being shocked by the paparazzi’s guerrilla tactics: “It’s terribly scary to be followed by men in cars with cameras. It’s terrifying, you know? They’re breaking traffic laws and putting you and other people in danger. I try to follow the speed limit and be Zen about it. It’s not like I’m doing anything exciting — going to the dry cleaners or to Whole Foods to shop for groceries.”
On what she loves about Columbia, South Carolina, where she shot her new movie, Nailed: “I love the food. I really have to hold myself back because if I had my choice, I would eat fried green tomatoes and goat cheese all day, every day.”
On marriage (but no mention of Justin Timberlake): “I’ve never been someone who’s like, ‘I have to, have to, have to have it.’ But the idea of being with somebody I care about, who’s my soul mate, that sounds groovy.”