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Wednesday, July 9, 2008

John Mayer Shows His Softer Side… Sooo Cute!!!

This story is going to make your heart melt… in spite of everything we say about John Mayer here, I have to say most of them are just cause John is not smart when he makes some remarks and we just have to comment. He has bad timing but we never said he was a bad person (stop with the hate comments, ok!!). Actually John made the day of a very special younger fan:
This is my new friend Isaac. He's 4. We met before my show in Toronto. He's one of the coolest kids I've ever met. Isaac has what's called MPS. But that's not what makes him special. You'd just have to spend 30 seconds with him to know what I'm talking about. Isaac's a huge fan and loves the Where The Light is DVD. His favorite parts are the backstage scenes of the band walking through the hallway. He loves them so much he asked me if the venue we were playing had a hallway. (it does.)
I thought Isaac was so cool that I asked him if he'd help lead the nightly "hands in" and walk the hallway to the stage, and he said yes.

Here's the walk to stage. Isaac loved every second, and so did everyone else in the band. Look at that guy! He's a tour manager in the making. We opened with his favorite song, Vultures.
Isaac has a web site his parents set up to help cure his disease. Check out The Isaac Foundation.
I just found out Isaac went into another (planned) operation this morning. I'm cheering for him and I hope he spends less time in a hospital bed and more time hanging out at rock concerts from now on.

[John Mayer Official Blog, June 8th, 2008]

Awww!! John Mayer rocks!!! Don’t forget to check out Isaac Foundation and leave your donation no matter how small…