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Thursday, July 17, 2008

Victoria Beckham Is Incredibly Ordinary For Allure Magazine

On her family life: "At the moment, we're fine, the five of us. At some point, I'd love to have a girl, you know – just for all the clothes I've got to hand down. It would be tremendous fun. I've got great girlie advice that I can share."

On her looks: "I just make the best out of what I have. I'm not out-of-the-ordinary-looking at all. I'm incredibly ordinary"

On her non-smiling Posh persona: "I kind of created this character at the beginning of the Spice Girls. I didn't smile very much; it was quite pouty. I was famous for wearing a little black Gucci dress. [Except] it wasn't a little black Gucci dress, it was a little black High Street dress. It was incredibly cheap. I just accessorized it well and had the pose that went with it. [...] Of course I smile. It's just that they don't use those pictures. It's a better story to say that I'm a miserable cow. I get it."

On Project Runway: "[It] shows how hard you have to work in fashion. These designers don't have money. They don't have huge budgets. Some of the challenges are there just because they're fun for TV. Is anybody ever going to be asked to make a dress out of candy? Of course not. But it makes good viewing. I see Heidi quite a lot, and her kids. Really lovely family."

On a 1997 photo of her with the Spice Girls: "You know, fashion changes. Rather than ever looking back at my clothes and cringing, I look back at the makeup and cringe. It looks like someone beat me up and pushed me onto the stage."

On her personal style: "If I'm going to an event, it takes me about an hour and a half to put my hair up and have some makeup put on … I don’t have a stylist. I deal with that side of things myself. [...] I have a photographic memory [for clothes]. I can remember what everybody wears, all the time."

[Source; Photos: Allure]