image from teen vouge
i heard a bit of buzz on the fashion blogs i frequent about this 12 year old blogger called Tavi who is supposedly the child prodigy of the style world. i wasn't very interested at first, i envisioned her being some rich snobby city brat obsessed with chanel and louis vuitton, but then i decided to check her out. she is pretty much the opposite of what i expected. Her family lives i a very rural area (judging from pics i've seen on the blog, looks like where i grew up) and she is into rei kawabuko of CDG, and yohji yammato to name a few. i was pretty impressed by that because i my mind CDG is an acquired taste, not something i would have favored in the beginning of my fashion endeavors- i was more into the classic couture, dior's new look, etc.
anyway, i read tavi's blog for like two and a half hours trying to figure out if i thought it was some sort of elaborate lie, if she was annoying, etc. and in the end i decided i actually really like her. the blog is very well written, but not snobby at all. i like the way she approaches her outfits, experimental but not too serious, most of her clothing is second hand. and on it she make a point of saying she isn't interested in a career in fashion, it's just something she likes which i think makes me like her a lot more. and she is funny too.
in conclusion, the only bad thing about her is that she is much cooler than me, and half my age.
check her out for yourself