I don't really have feelings about j. lo one way or another. I mean I guess she sucks, but I don't really care enough to not like her. that said, I really liked
this video and song from like 2001 she did w/ ja rule. seriously. I know all the words. I didn't have cable so whenever I was at my friends' houses and mtv was on and this video played I would make everybody shut up, put my baby hairs down on my forehead, and sing. (the video won't let me embed, so just go to the link)

here are some gems from this little goody:
-- j. lo singing (aka autotune) "and when I'm feelin sexy, whose gonna comfort me?"
-- ja rule sayin "I'm nastay" (and then my vagina seals itself up)
-- j. lo saying "nigga" in a baby voice b/c that makes it okay?
-- ja rule looking like a downie the whole time (but I think that is just how his face is)