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Thursday, May 28, 2009

I love hoops sfm

and I am dying for these. please, buy them and send them my way thx!

"These hoops are fully customizable. Each hoop depicts a small miniture scene of a graffiti writer painting the side of a subway train. The great thing about it is, he is there to paint whatever you want! He can write your name or intimate message to a loved one, a political message, whatever its graffiti...anything can go. Each Name or phrase (space allowing) will be rendered in my graffiti handstyle. Feel free to contact me if you have any questions regarding customization etc..."

I want these hoops w/ some dude writing "lady nasty" on it, with a penis or something

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

tech post

this is a video about how to make video games 3-D (how it could work in the future) and i think it's amazing/ scary. first of all, the guy in this vid, johnny lee, is totally the nerdy asian friend that i wish i had. he is so cute! even if it might be a little long winded, he figured out how to do all this stuff on his own, and expains everything really well.

this next video he uses the same principles to make a program you can interact with just using your fingers in the air. crazy.

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Kawaii Nails

never before have i wanted to get my nails done.....until now! where is Lady Nasty?

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

legos in holes

this may or may not be as exciting as it sounds. personally, I am into it.

Dispatchwork is project by Jan Vormann where he fills up holes in walls with Lego bricks. He did this before in Bocchignano, a village close to Rome, and Tel Aviv. This time he did in Berlin, where he and many spontaneous helpers filled World War II bullet holes at a building of Humbold University. You can find some other patched walls around town too.
He also has a exhibition at the Jarmuschek + Partner gallery in Berlin till June 13th.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

this looks sososososo good

I really want to see this. it looks so good and I'll probably cry lots and mariah carey is in it and I didn't even recognize her and doesn't look like she ruins it and mo'nique is in it and plays a mean hbic and it will probably make me hate her b/c I can't seem to separate the characters actors play and their real personality (I will just watch beer league 20 times to make it better)

the book is "push" by sapphire who I think is going to become this generation's zora neale hurston

Thursday, May 7, 2009

tranny's first night out circa 1983

holy fucking scrunchies, what the fuck is happening here?? This is HANDS DOWN the worst outfit i have ever experienced in my life, everything about it is wrong from top to tacky, shitty bottom. i don't even think an experimental gay 13 year old would wear this while listening to culture club in his bedroom while trying out 'the tuck' in the mirror.

All things considered though, i like the way the shades of blue Madge has chosen offset the veins BULGING out of her massive arms.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

I want to . . .

take a road trip with mr jones, make a video like this, and be the cutest girl ever.

edit: I just realized she and her husband are morman. now, instead of seaming cute and interesting, her and her husband seem kinda weird and boring. jealousy = haxed.

Monday, May 4, 2009

this is why you're fat.

I'm pretty sure I would eat all of these. go here for more disgusting delicious reasons for why you are fat.

"the bacone"
i just really like saying "the bacone." it makes me feel like non-homo john travolta's character in pulp fiction. a bacon cone filled with scrambled eggs and country gravy topped with a biscuit.

"the white castle casserole"
six white castle burgers topped with gravy and american cheese baked in a casserole dish. I can't believe that anybody would buy white castle and then use it as an ingredient

"the bulldog"
a hot dog wrapped in american cheese and an eggroll wrapper then deep fried. served with a thousand island and teriyaki dipping sauce. mmmm

"the blitz blintz"
a large meat pizza rolled like a blintz filled with ranch dressing. this seriously looks amazing.