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Friday, July 1, 2011

Can I Recover From Sex Addiction David Duchovny?

Can I Recover From Sex Addiction David Duchovny?
It is not easy to come clean of any length, but David Duchovny, the road to recovery has been particularly rocky.

This week, Duchovny and wife Tea Leoni separated a second time in its 14 years of marriage. Duchovny, 50, and Leoni, 45, remained before the storm: In 2008, spent several months apart after admitting he was addicted to sex and went voluntarily to a treatment center.

"I have voluntarily entered a treatment center for sexual addiction," said the actor at a time. "I ask for respect and privacy for my wife and children as we deal with this situation as a family."

It was the first celebrity to tell the sex addiction. Other celebrities who have filed for the following, after the sexual indiscretions - golfer Tiger Woods and, more recently, the former Member of New York Anthony Weiner, whose wife is reported to look away from him. But Duchovny still holds the honor of being the only celebrities to name the sexual abuse for his treatment in September, in contrast to the depression, "secret reasons", or other diseases.

It is not known exactly what caused the rupture between Duchovny and Leoni at the moment. (Leoni has never spoken publicly about their marital problems.) Rob Weiss, founding director of Los Angeles, California, the Sexual Recovery Institute, has two theories.

"I could have predicted this would happen," he said. Weiss introduced the two most common reasons for separated couples after finding a treatment for sex addiction: "Either the person that dependence has not stopped or has not fully embraced the recovery or the spouse has not been able to go beyond their own anger and pain, even if the person in treatment is working very hard. "

"The biggest factor of stress that comes with these couples is not the first time you hear," said Weiss. "It's as if the spouse joins in the treatment and get into these places where you paste the role of the wife of guilt and shame."

Things looked good between Duchovny and Leoni last October, when they were spotted arm in arm to a film festival in New York. However, the suspects Weiss, Duchovny's alter ego as depraved, oversexed writer Hank Moody in Showtime's "Californication" did not help the recovery efforts of the actor.

"Five years ago, I had come a pornographer and he came to the conclusion, after six months of treatment, he had to find a new job," said Weiss. "My idea with Duchovny is that if I was a sex addict, and I was in therapy, I would not be able to continue this series. This character is the antithesis of the recovery. "

In addition to their marriage, Duchovny and Leoni their children to play, daughter Madelaine, 12, and son Kyd, 9 What happens now?

"If he does not use and goes and checks it somewhere, maybe back. However, if the more he is recovering, and he can not move, then, is that" Weiss said. "After all, who does not know his history, but I do not believe that history matters a lot when money, power and attractiveness is involved. I'm sure you will find someone."