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Friday, August 21, 2009

dear johnny

hey john travolta,

you really confuse me. i saw grease on tv today and i have to admit i have a total wide on for danny zuko. he could be the perfect man, and if not he certainly dresses like him. why did you have to ruin that legacy with your closeted homosexuality, scientology, and growing a really fat neck/ head. pulp fiction was fantastic. i thought you were on the right track for a while there. stop disappointing everyone, it's selfish.

kd fantasy

embarassing human beings

oh wow. besides being amazing for finding obscure cartoons on youtube, my other all time favorite use of the internet is laughing at the misfortunes of others. my two new hubs for this type of humor are as follows:


makes fun of all the lame-o thing people post on facebook (hence the name). my favorite is when girls fight about their baby daddies, but i couldn't find a good one.

(717): hey this is lauren, i have to type for jon because he's convinced the tongs he's holding are his real hands

(347): I knew you were gonna be a good wingman when the words "dibs on the chunky one" came out of your mouth.

(310): Her vagina felt like a horse was eating an apple out of my hand..

(519): and then she said I drew a line on her forehead with my cum and whispered "Simba"

(619): just caught grandpa beating off in the living room

(386): I was rubbing the clit just like wikipedia told me to.

this could be the best thing that has happened to my free time. i thought this site was okay at first, but check out the 'best' and 'worst' nights. you won't be disappointed.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

greatest videos!

adventure time! is a wonderful youtube video by pendelton ward that not only introduced us to the mystical Rainicorn but also brilliant phrases such as 'Rhombus!' as an exclamatory and 'Hey, sloppy milkshake!'

basically, this is one of my all time favorite internet discoveries.

now, there is another whimsically quirky cartoon by the same artist called 'the bravest warriors.' i am really happy so see more work from this guy.

Friday, August 7, 2009

definitely want to see this

everyone (read: all 4 of my friends) knows I didn't have a childhood (read: don't ever recognize childhood references), but I DID read where the wild things are. and I like spike jonze, who directed this. and minus the hipster douche attraction of the soundtrack, I really do think this will be good. even if the little kid does kinda talk like owen wilson.

Monday, August 3, 2009


I have heard this show was really funny but I never really cared about seeing it until I saw this clip:

now I will definitely be netflixing this! too funny

I love ricky gervais, too, even if he is a cocky asshole with the biggest cock in hollywood (true story)

Saturday, August 1, 2009

blog of an aspiring homemaker

this blog is amazing. it is the blog of an 18 yr old self-proclaimed aspiring homemaker (see above pic) who lives in georgia. apparently a few yrs ago she and her family were living regularly in atlanta, and as far as I understand, they decided to get a cottage for summertime and ultimately moved there full-time. they also were all homeschooled and dress in 1800s garb (most of the time).

here is the blog entry explaining their "transition to the simple life" and her decision to be a "stay at home daughter"

I am pretty into everything she does (is into family and being a good big sister, makes lemonade, sews, bakes delicious-looking food), but am not into these 2 things:

-she got into all of these things b/c she "found" christianity (she says this about how her garden party went: We were blessed with perfect weather and an enjoyable breeze. I used antique books as weights for the tablecloths, which added a vintage touch :) Over lunch, photo's were passed around [of course the baby/childhood pictures!]and I shared about how I'm a TOTALLY different person than I was 5 years ago and what a privilege it is to be in a Godly home. The women shared their testimonies & advice on biblical womanhood, and I deeply appreciated their knowledge in preparation for whatever the Lord may bring into my life)
-her list of reading materials from being homeschooled: Holy Bible and Christian books written before 1950

but there are some really stunningly beautiful photos on the blog. plus she seems v. sweet and adorably sincere


I am so into this. steve harvey started a camp for boys without father figures called "harveytown." he has mentors come in and basically teach these boys and talk to them about everything a (good) father would.

he teaches them things like: how it is important to stay in school, the importance of appearance (aka don't look like a scrub), how to tie a tie, and so on. I like this --it takes a village-- mentality.

if I had money I would definitely donate to them.