Apocalypse Not Now
Last minute: At World's End has been postponed to 21 October.
Only this time, I do not think our children will remember.
I refer, of course, kidnapping, or lack thereof. But if you think you are all fascinated by this non-event last week, so many of our children. In this sense, the Rapture comes. It was truly a family affair, which proved to be a myriad of practical reasons:
Only this time, I do not think our children will remember.
I refer, of course, kidnapping, or lack thereof. But if you think you are all fascinated by this non-event last week, so many of our children. In this sense, the Rapture comes. It was truly a family affair, which proved to be a myriad of practical reasons:
As a possible means squirrel duties.
As a way to show your children that you are not really all that embarrassing, because, unlike the parents in this story, you do not spend the weekend dragging your children into the streets as you delivered pamphlets on the end of time.
As the nature of humor. My favorite was the weather, which included a 30 percent chance of rain last Thursday, the 60 percent chance of rain last Friday, and 100 percent chance of points on Saturday.
But seriously, folks, which proved to be another of those "teachable moments" which is the only thing we can thank Harold Camping, the race Revelation predictor. God forbid - I mean this sincerely - one of my children should grow up to spend $ 140,000 of their savings in the ads at the end of the world, instead of donating most of the major causes of our supporting churches.
Not that I like to think of life as a great teaching moment - my nose as wrinkles on the expression - but we discussed a couple of interesting human phenomenon with our teenagers around the table Friday night that the account 18-hour countdown began on Saturday.
One was the need of man to think and speculate about the end of the world, as if his own death to occupation has not been sufficient. To do this, you certainly do not have to rely solely on the Bible. ancient mythology, film and modern science gives all their own versions of how the world will end, whether due to a god or gods angry alien invasion that even Will Smith can not not avoid, a comet, or finally burn out by the sun. I'm no psychologist, but everything points to a basic urge - stronger in some people than others - to ask what the antidote to life on earth. There's even a word for the study of this - eschatology - which, as you might guess, is Greek.
The second question was how people - even when they made a false preacher in California, the preacher or false - do not admit they are wrong, regardless of the strength of contrary evidence. We talked to our youth about how the aftermath of the calypse not, we will see that this happens and this article shows the point of NPR. While some believers contacted after May 21 would not answer the phone, while others have argued that the prediction was correct, except for details about this haunting not. Said one: "Judgement Day has come and gone, but it was a spiritual calling on the world market, there is more than hello hello is more ..." He embraced the new day camp for the Apocalypse October 21.
I think October 21 came and went much quieter than May 21 has, at least in our house. Thank you, Harold Camping, to make certain aspects of human behavior in context.