Wednesday, October 29, 2008
from the fail blog
click below to see why. this made me laugh. out loud. at work. fuck.
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
a third robert johnson photo???
the article is actually pretty interesting and worth reading all 5 pages, but I am lazy and don't feel like typing up what it says, so I will summarize it.

pic 3? (RJ on the left)
I say: YES, due to the long-ass fingers and slightly wonky left eye, and b/c I want to believe it. vanity fair says: most likely but cannot for sure verify.
Monday, October 27, 2008
the art of relaxating
I thought it was hilarious, but I was also stoned, so who knows. but you should still watch it
(and note -- the native american headpiece on the left, and his huge bonerr when he does some "relaxating" techniques.)
Dr. Ronald Chevalier - Inspiring Oneself
ps if you finish watching the video and click on it again, it shows a different clip
Saturday, October 25, 2008
Thursday, October 23, 2008
hitchcock was a perv (join the club)
oh, you didn't know hitchcock was a perv?
there's a new hitchcock biography out called “Spellbound by Beauty” by Donald Spoto and it "surveys Alfred Hitchcock’s fraught relations with those ice-blond leading ladies he favored" (thank you ny times book review)
there is one especially weird thing w/ tippi hedren from the birds, where it says:
about Hitchcock’s attempt to force her into making herself sexually available to him, threatening to ruin her career if she would not oblige. (She didn’t.)
I mean, we all knew hitchcock was a freak! but a perv on top of that? hayyyyy
o hai there S&M hitchcock
my goal in life is to drop out of high school, be on girls gone wild, and have MAH babay!!!
that's enough, diablo cody

anyways, in my internet meanderings, I came across this description of her which I think is absolutely perrfecttt. the person described her as:
"post-burlesque, 'punk' stripper, I love Bettie Page, roller derby is awesome, please don't mention how old I am thing"
real age: 30
also, I'd like her to stop trying so hard. okay, I'm off my soapbox now
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
wonderful things!

i found this blog while i was looking for pictures to send to my daddy for his bday. it's just a load of amazing images (most of them quite old) to inspire you! There usually about 4-5 per post and each post has a little theme. I think it's fun to look at but also really useful!

Inspiration Resource
Saturday, October 18, 2008
"a lotta people wanna eat you but I just wanna talk to you okay?"
see what I mean:
and here is the OG skit:
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
ah yes, the fainting goats!
skip to :49 for the adorable-ness and best clip
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
um, did everyone already know about this?

there is a lot of controversy about whether or not this actually happened, but for those who believe it, there is also the theory that says that actually catherine probably knew they were fake and were actually for the benefit of the other bouge-y richies, but it still seems crazy to me.
Here are some uses in modernish-day speak:
"It's a lie, a huge Potemkin village designed to give North Korea the appearance of modernity."-- Kevin Sullivan, "Borderline Absurdity", Washington Post, January 11, 1998
"Unless U.S. imperial overstretch is acknowledged and corrected, the United States may someday soon find that it has become a Potemkin village superpower -- with a facade of military strength concealing a core of economic weakness."-- Christopher Layne, "Why the Gulf War Was Not in the National Interest", The Atlantic, July 1991
coffin couches

Saturday, October 11, 2008
It's made into a movie one day, but I can do the costumes this time. I think david boring should be played by...