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Friday, June 24, 2011

MapleStory: Collection Of Chaos

MapleStory: Collection Of Chaos
A wave of chaos is about to reach the world as Maple MapleStory Chaos hits this summer. The 2-D side scrolling MMORPG Nexon will introduce a new set of updated content key, which will take place over the next two months.

The Black Magician was moderate during the Big Bang, but not everything is perfect. Chaos crack this month, when time update of Age of Heroes MapleStory June 29 This update depends on the door again in the future, the introduction of the brand new mission areas, and the owner of a brand new high level players in action.

Players will soon be able to celebrate and discover the door to the future and the surrounding ruins, containing mutated versions of low-level monsters that may be familiar to seasoned fans. These mutants are much more powerful than their counterparts, and will prove to be a challenge. In addition, within the new area of ​​Stronghold Erev Dark Knight, which is filled with enemies Knight of the Swan with the same types of skills such as Knight of the Swan characters players can create.

Players can fight their way through the ruins of Henesys and Knight Stronghold investigate corruption Empress Swan and his knights, who reveals himself in the end be the most formidable challenge throughout the game. Players also experience the perfect balance between a class hero coming to MapleStory as part of Age of Heroes. Restrictions to create a dual-blade, and the Aran Evan classes must be removed, and these classes have been added several new skills and return to the characters completely redesigned. In addition, classes Explorers, Cygnus resistance and will return stronger than ever, as their main skill will improve. Maple World, but beware: In the wake of new alliances forged, players should be looking for new class relations, like old friends can quickly become just as bitter enemies.

Four more great content additions will be part of Age of Heroes during the update of Chaos series this summer. July has the age of Artisans, which reveals a new level of crafting system based on voice. Battle begins long-awaited Age of player vs. player (PvP) mode, MapleStory, and then the players must take a formidable enemy of the band during the update of ice Knight. For more information about will be notified when the players continue to fight their way through the chaos.