Takashi Murakami "first Day Of Summer Logo Google 'welcomes Solstice (image)
Let the sun!
June 21 is the first day of summer (northern hemisphere), and Google is celebrating with the logo of the light of the contemporary Japanese artist Takashi Murakami, who is famous for its style, called Superflat, which echoes the Japanese animation and blends of color and fantasy - at times - dark themes.
June 21 is the first day of summer (northern hemisphere), and Google is celebrating with the logo of the light of the contemporary Japanese artist Takashi Murakami, who is famous for its style, called Superflat, which echoes the Japanese animation and blends of color and fantasy - at times - dark themes.
But while half the world enjoy the longest day of the year, June 21 also marks the shortest day of the year for half south of the equator. Thus, in the work of the north see Googlers Murakami transform the Google logo in a festival of humor befitting the summer solstice. And for those in the south, Murakami has designed an alternate logo that reflects the frosty months.