How Dare You Set A New University?!
It is "odious," "disgusting," "parasites," "hypocrite," a "parody", a "greedy" scheme, and "it would be better if all the doors never opened. Wow. What 's is? A brothel? A satanic church? A junk-food chain that specializes in food straight into the veins of fat children through a drip?
In fact, there is a proposal for a new University, based in London, called the College of Human Sciences, who said he taught students the best literature, culture and history for a total of £ 18,000 per year. And yet, judging by the cover disturbed, you can be forgiven for thinking that someone had offered to open a fanclub Ratko Mladic, Islington.The response to AC Grayling Professor educational experience, for which teachers recruited from other "stars" like Richard Dawkins and Niall Ferguson, has been extremely intolerant. Only the press release on the new university was emailed to Grayling and company were accused of selling to students of the working class and the ideal of "education for all" by the opening of an institution that only rich (and those lucky enough to get a scholarship) will be able to pay. As a journalist summary, the initiative has met with "universal scorn from commentators in the national press. Journalists have described the university as a" disgrace "," nauseating "and" shamefully elitist. "The Twittersphere, always ready to imitate the statements of its hero in the opinion pages, crammed fury than 140 characters in vain Grayling / pathetic and ill-doomed initiative.
Not to be outdone, members of the University of London and other radical groups of students called an "emergency meeting" last night. No emergency meeting to discuss the corrosion of liberty and freedom of expression in the West or in the future of the Arab Revolt - the student radicals could have done in the past - but a meeting of urgently to discuss how to crush this new kingdom. Vice-President Ulu asked that the black list, insists that the University of London refuses to recognize or work with this "disgusting" institution. There was a serious debate about how to stop it even before it opened. A leftist group said we should "stop fictitious university dropout" because it is "visible corner of [privatization]. Without even a twinge of self-consciousness or irony, he went on to describe the New Order as "an attack on free education." Yes, it's true - the school must be destroyed to defend "free".
Maybe we can burn his books in the name of defending the reader.
The answer to this institution was so rapid intemperate, if morally out of proportion to what is actually proposed, can not be driven by the concerns of the interested parties and not by the horrors of what was alleged response (a new school for humanities that readers of the middle class - big deal). Whatever you think of Dawkins or Grayling (doping regular readers know I'm not a fan), there is nothing in the guidelines for opening a new college to justify the label "disgusting" or "induced nausea. I do not intend to teach at the school or class hatred Nazi 101. There is a deep insecurity and sense of paralysis in the integration of higher education itself, more than anything Grayling and his friends talked about the attacks to God , which has fueled the explosion of hate and derogatory comments New College site.
What is the reaction truly reveals the insecurity that is felt in both those who work and study in the traditional world of higher education and the media in support of the RP, for example as a good thing. Faced with cuts in government departments and a new system of tuition fees for students, but can not challenge these trends in an effective presentation because the humanities are important, or because the free education is a morally good idea, practitioners and supporters, rather than lash against a small group of people who seek to do things differently in a way that suggests to launch a pilot as it seems to provide an excellent liberal arts education students pay.
The opposition, Grayling £ 18,000 college years is "the thin end of a wedge of privatization," and that must end in order to defend the ideal of free education, really shows the extent to which years proponents have lost the argument or a position now to make the argument, the statement of public interest. The lack of mental clarity or moral cojones to defend excellence in education and the pursuit of knowledge for its own sake (or rather, because of the market by improving employment opportunities for students), but serve their arms to New College, which describes the Alien Force invading their world otherwise seemingly untouched public education. Yet, not when there is already a lot of privatization, to mention the denigration of education standards have something attractive, and more than a little 'tragic, this attack is sponsoring the proposal for a new private high school.
It reveals no wrongdoing on the part of the shadow and Co., but rather moral and intellectual paralysis discombobulation in major ET.