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Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Previews Ann Coulter's New Book On "Demonic"

Previews Ann Coulter's New Book On "Demonic"
New Ann Coulter progress book "demonic"
Sean Hannity, Anfitriones: Esta noche, cerca los acontecimientos seguimos of the rupture that rodean escándalo Anthony Weiner. Hoy conmigo en el estudio con más información sobre este tema, including a primer in advance exclusivist lo que pronto será a número de Nueva York Times best-seller.

On the east explosif livre de nouvelles issue, "démoniaque, The Mob Comment libéral menace l'Amérique." Elle frappe les magasins demain matin. Ann Coulter auteur à succès est ici.

Prima di tutto, he libro è fenomenal. Ogni volta che Leggo libri, mi piacerebbe sapere dove vi i Liberali attaccheranno. Con il titolo Iniziamo. Molto di quello che stai dicendo è Weiner who -

Ann Coulter, "démoniaque" Auteur: Oui. Je veux say, sans doute des libéraux the reaction à elle. Une partie de - ce que le livre est sur la raison et elle est appelée "démoniaque», c'est que j'ai toujours un peu les remarque que d'une manière libéraux if comportent mob-like.

So I read all the books I could say that refers to the crowd, crowd, group-think and, finally, by Gustave Le Bon "Crowd, Research Popular Mind." He father of the group thought of the French philosopher, social psychologist and read his book and page after page Oh, that's the liberals. And 'liberal.

For example, creating the Messiah, the public is rapidly at the extremes, are simple, create Christs, and I am a gay character, since the Liberals cite what they say about FDR, JFK, on ​​Clinton, Obama, fainting in his speeches, promise loyalty to him. Same thing with Clinton, returning to him, and meanwhile, Ronald Reagan was not even the most popular conservative in its first year in office. My magazine "Human Events", who was Ronald Reagan's favorite newspaper, attacking him so much. The Washington Post reported at some point, that Reagan said and I'm still you're reading, but I like it a lot less. And I have all the titles in the late Reagan years.

We do not worship our leaders. We do not make idols of them, probably because we have a real savior. In reality, not demonize his opponents what we're doing. We can make fun of them, make jokes about them. But as he turned to George Bush becomes an enemy, Nazi. George Soros and Al Gore are all over its Hitler. It was like Osama bin Laden in New York Times writer. William Raspberry, Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist, liberal, calling him the devil.

They are not supposed to be jokes. They are not regarded as jokes and you get the real violence of the left. You still have now. Much in the middle of the French Revolution look to the American Revolution, the Liberals something to lie about. I was surprised how many of my friends knew very little about the French Revolution, then you can always see being lied about, including the Chris Matthews Show last week. It was like ours, it was not for freedom?

In fact, word vandalism to be created because of the French Revolution, and what they have done to churches and monasteries. They destroyed the old monasteries of value ripped from the ground, beaten to death the priests gave sermons model, clean the buttocks with the host, talks about the prostitute Mary. It was their revolution. It is a revolution of the crowd, which was followed in Russia. It was followed in Cuba. It was followed in China. It was followed in Cambodia.

The New York Times called the National Day is the equivalent of July 4. No, Bastille Day, it would be like if the country celebrated the riots in Los Angeles. It was a monstrous evil attack on a prison almost empty, because it was a horror is based on hearsay. It is a rebellious crowd. It was a very anti-religious revolution. They have desecrated Notre Dame.

Maass cup Liberaal ja muut New York Times piristi kaikkia kierroksia seuranneen vallankumous Ranska. Onnistunut vallankumous, vallankumous Meidän, joka oli taistellut kristittyjen, ajattelijat englantilaiset, keskustelijoita, Etta noudatettu ympäri maailmaa ei ole. Mielenkiintoista the Boston Tea Party Tea Party syleilyssä Meidän alkuperäinen i lämpimästi Isat. He olivate huolissaan, Koska that kokivat sen toimintaa mafia.

Hannity: Let me go. Right out of the box. You talk about the psychology of the liberals and the Democratic Party is the party of the crowd. Regardless of what the crowd is. Activate the masses. Depend on the mob. Break down the crowds.

Vous savez, vous êtes sur "Good Morning America" ​​de Demain. The question must être première truands dites-vous tous les libéraux et les sont tous les démocrates, Ann Coulter? The UN ya que vous Faites point - C'est pourquoi je voulais vous rendre sur ininterrompue ici que parce que vous tout au long du livre, adopting sur une affaire here Term Conclusion par une. Ce n'est pas quelque chose que nous deux en même entrer pourrions segments, corn je veux vous vraiment Donner suite à partir de ce point de départ et tous les samples et nous vous conduire à Travers La Revolution française de conclure - to come avec le titre de cette "demonic", laquelle ils auront sur freak out, pourquoi?

Coulter: Well, I started the scene in the book of the Bible, Jesus approaches the man and held the man screams from his mind. I do not torture. Jesus, a small change, Jesus is saying what is your name? E 'responsible for my name is legion.

The Devils will miss you. Devil's name is Legion. The devil is always a crowd. You see this over and over again. In real life exorcisms, speak of the possessed. Always them. Satan said that they all belong to me and her - I mean, it's part of why liberals are a lot and are so obsessed with status and power. Conservatives, as I said, have a real savior. It's up and down. We do not care much. In fact, as Christians -

Hannity: People suggest that you say all liberals are bad, do not say that. There is a point you made about -

Coulter mobs sont toujours démoniaque. Ils sont de antithèse the l'histoire de ce pays. Nous avons toujours compris que les foules étaient dangereux. Je veux say, est ce Shays rebellion 'here a Cree constitution. On a été populaire soulèvement the United Nations.

And the articles of confederation enough to keep people safe. As I said, the Boston Tea Party. I am very concerned that the crowd seemed to action, and two participants in Paul Revere and Sam Adams explicitly defended the Boston Tea Party did not say the destruction of property, other than tea. Ben Franklin churches take up a collection to restore the Indian Tea Company. Paul Revere that the lock had been cut to the Boston Tea Party had been replaced. And a guy who drank tea for personal use must be severely punished. Does not work for GSM, but also a lot to upset them.

Hannity: Nos pondremos en contacto. Al igual que todos sus with libros, que tratan de los ataques predecir Dónde vienen.

Coulter: non è possibile farlo. Let's pool ufficio hanno per la Fox e vedere qualcuno is - my tutti hanno bisogno di leggere libro it.

Hannity: Je vais vous dire comment je pense qu'il est. Nous allons vous dire pendant the pause. Nous allons prendre joins pause. Nous reviendrons. Avec beaucoup plus carrément Ann Coulter.

(Video beginning with "TODAY" / NBC in January. 7, 2009)

(Commercial Break)

Matt Lauer, co-host: Let me make this little controversy. You've been all over the blogs in the day or two. We have canceled your appearance Tuesday and from what I read that you felt that you were banned for life from the show. Were you behind this report?

The fact is, I was canceled twice. It was not until the Slavery Report headline on its report and the report of slave labor has never had to take a report.

Coulter: Non, je ne dis pas. On a été d'une nouvelles fiables.

Lauer: You know, the book is titled "Guilty", Ann Coulter. I'm glad you are back.

Coulter: NOI Oland, Kiitos. Kiva taas sinu Nahda.

Lauer: Très bien, nous allons - soit dit en passant, vous n'êtes pas banned for streets, bien sûr, OK. Le prochain livre sort, je suis sûr que vous Voulez vous axis ici - vous ici Serez assis à nouveau.

Coulter: Grazie, sono contento di sentire che.

(Video FIN)

Hannity: Wow, sei stato invitato a tornare?

Coulter: No, apparently, Cinderella ratio is a better journalist Matt Lauer, Matt Lauer even if it will in the future. Cinderella, right again. Always faithful slave labor. Banned for life.

Hannity: Mais "Good Morning America" ​​et que vous êtes sur "The View" plus tard cette semaine. Une fois that obtenez vous sous le feu, nous allons vous faire revenir.

Hannity: Okay, look, I do not want to stop - you and I had an hour-long debate, the debate on the radio today. I thought it was really fascinating. I do not want to go with that, because once we start down that path -

Coulter: Ellos piensan que la noche's jueves.

Coulter: E 'molto di più da questo libro.

Hannity: It is real. I want you - the only thing we're not to that, I think it's important. I want - in what is bound to a conclusion very powerful because I think you will lead to something. And I want to explain to people what it is.